Nuance Dragon Dictate for Mac – Microphone Bundles Available In Australia

Microphone options for Dragon Dictate for Mac in Australia

We seem to be blessed here in Australia, we have an excellent distributor for Nuance’s Dragon Dictate who has been into voice recognition on the Mac since day 1. Because of this we have five combinations of Dragon Dictate and microphone to choose from. The bundles and their RRP pricing are:

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Cheap But Not Nasty – The Best Budget Digital Voice Recorders

On a budget, short of cash, funds a bit low, boss won’t spend big on technology? Then do Philips and Olympus Voice have a cheap digital voice recorder for you. The range of digital voice recorders on offer from the two big boys, Olympus & Philips, can be a little bewildering to the average person. … read more

Dragon Dictate For Mac – What It Is Best At, Dumping Text [Video]

Dragon Dictate has been available in Australia and worldwide for a couple of weeks now and the flood of people upgrading from MacSpeech Dictate shows just how keen Mac users are for good voice recognition software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Windows. This short post is just a way for me to show you the very … read more

Dragon Dictate Mac Roadmap – What Next For Scribe? Medical? Legal?

Nuance has quickly forged their authority on the Dictate brand of voice recognition software for Mac and with their first release Dragon Dictate 2.0 they have done an excellent job. But what now for the Legal and Medical edition still stuck at MacSpeech Dictate version 1.5 and the fairly new offshoot product MacSpeech Scribe currently … read more

How To Convert Audio Cassette, Microcassette or Mini Cassette Tape To Digital Audio Format

We are now in the day and age of digital dictation and transcription. But, believe it or not, there are people and organisations out there who are still using some form of cassette tape to record dictation. Olympus long ago discontinued their micro and mini cassette transcription kits (remember the old Pearlcorder brand?) and more recently their … read more

How To Play .ds2 Files In Express Scribe

This has to be one of the most common questions we get in the Dictate Australia office. Do you want the good news or the bad news? I will start with the bad news: At the time of writing this blog NO you can not play .ds2 (also known as DSS Pro, DSS stands for … read more

MacSpeech Dictate updated to Dragon Dictate 2.0 – Not Just A Name Change

The cat is finally out of the bag as Nuance, owners of the MacSpeech brand of voice recognition for Intel Mac, announced the latest version of the Dictate family. Dragon Dictate, formerly known as MacSpeech Dictate, is the new name and with it comes more enhancements and features. In this blog post we will look … read more

Dictate Australia – Windows & Mac Voice Recognition Experts In Australia

We are not ones for blowing our own trumpet but this week we are feeling well and truly chuffed with ourselves. Dictate Australia have just become certified Gold Dragon NaturallySpeaking resellers, this gives us bragging rights to call ourselves experts in the leading speech recognition software for the Windows world. Having studied and passed our … read more