Olympus ME-52W Noise Cancelling Microphone Also Works With GoPro

I just stumbled across this great video on YouTube from Brendan Wenzel in the US using an Olympus ME-52W noise cancelling mic with a GoPro. The ME-52W is commonly used with the Olympus range of digital voice recorders to cut down on wind noise when recording outside or when recording audio that is going to … read more

New Voice Detect Feature In Olympus WS-812/WS-813 – Removes White Space From Audio Recordings

Olympus WS-812 digital voice recorder from Dictate Australia

Way back when, well almost a couple of months ago, when I heard of the new WS series digital voice recorders being released from Olympus came three brand new features that I couldn’t wait to have a play with. You may remember the blog post with the Dalek which announced Voice Playback (officially called Voice Detect), Voice Changer and Voice Balancer. I have been putting a demo Olympus WS-812 through its paces the last few days in readiness for a WS series review and ran a test of the Voice Detect feature for your reading and listening pleasure.

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Compare The Olympus DM-3 vs DM-5 Digital Voice Recorders

Olympus DM3 vs DM5 compare review features

The DM series recorders in Australia are now manned by the Olympus DM-3 and the Olympus DM-5 digital voice recorders since the launch of the DM3 in early July 2011. To look at them you would be hard pressed to tell the difference other than the Olympus DM3 is silver and the Olympus DM5 is black.

So what is the difference between the two? Here is a summary:

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Review: Olympus DM-450 & DM-550 Digital Voice Recorder Note Taker

Olympus DM-450 Digital Voice Recorder - Available in Australia from Dictate Australia - www.dictate.com.au

You may want to go make a cup of tea before you start reading, this is going to be a long post. Why so long? The DM-450 and DM-550 are just amazing digital recorders and are packed to the brim with features while at the same time being extremely easy to use out of the box. So, if you have your tea made then lets begin….

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Cheap But Not Nasty – The Best Budget Digital Voice Recorders

On a budget, short of cash, funds a bit low, boss won’t spend big on technology? Then do Philips and Olympus Voice have a cheap digital voice recorder for you. The range of digital voice recorders on offer from the two big boys, Olympus & Philips, can be a little bewildering to the average person. … read more

Review: Olympus WS-210S Digital Voice Recorder

The little Olympus WS-210S digital voice recorder has been around in Australia now since October 2007 and is easily our most popular digital voice recorder at Dictate Australia. So why is this little recorder so popular?

  • Small and lightweight
  • Very easy to use
  • Excellent audio pickup and quality
  • Great price point for a quality voice recorder
  • Compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking v10 Preferred
  • Both Windows and Intel Mac compatible
  • Fully featured with variable voice activation (VCVA) and low cut noise filtering

These are just a few of its qualities. So lets look a little closer at this recorder and what it can do.

Click image for larger view

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