Where Did That Come From – Olympus DS-3400

On a quiet Tuesday evening, nothing much to do, thought I would do some surfing on the web. Called into one of the most static sites you will find, the Olympus Voice Australia website. Clicked on the what’s new link and boom – DS-3400 Coming Soon ! Why was I surprised by this? Well, apart … read more

Philips Dictation Australia Announces Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Voice Recorder Edition

Philips Dictation Australia continue there surge forward in 2009, hot on the heals of their awesome new DVT (Digital Voice Tracer) range of digital notetakers (did I mention that they are now finally Mac compatible, only several times) they have just announced out of their Worldwide headquarters in Vienna – Dragon NatutrallySpeaking 10 – Voice Recorder Edition. I know, makes you want to say “wow” loudly.

Philips Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 DVR Edition - LFH0660/10
Philips Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 DVR Edition - LFH0660/10

It is fantastic to see some more innovation from Philips, taking the initiative to work globally with Nuance, the Dragon NaturallySpeaking people to provide an affordable package for people looking to get into the voice recognition. We have seen huge growth in the voice recognition software, both Mac and Windows over the past year as professionals, students, authors etc give up on the need to type for hours. Most people talk around the 120 words per minute mark, way faster than most can type so why not let your computer do it for you.

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Hints & Tips: Dragon NaturallySpeaking – Faster Transcription

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the quickest way to get single speaker audio transcribed into a document. The software is really quite amazing and it recognition characteristics are phenomenal. However, some things outside Dragon NaturallySpeaking can slow it slightly, especially on older lower spec PCs. Here is a tip for you, if you are finding that your … read more

What Is The Difference Between A Digital Dictaphone And A Digital Notetaker?

[audio:https://www.idictate.com.au/podcast/idictate-diff-note-dictaphone.mp3|titles=Listen To This Blog Post – What’s The Difference – Dictaphone And Notetaker?] Digital voice recorders are split into two distinct types, digital dictaphones and digital notetakers, both have fairly specific uses. In this blog post I will try and explain the difference so you will know which type of voice recorder to lean towards, … read more

Ease The Pain When Typing Notes From Digitally Recorded Interviews, Meetings or Focus Groups

I love my job. One of the main reasons for that statement is that I get to speak to broad range of people from all walks of life all across Australia daily. One minute it might be a family member in the bush who wants to record a grandparent telling stories of their life for future family generations to hear and for them to transcibe into a family history record. Next minute it might be a journalist in Melbourne looking for the best voice recorder to grab quick, clear soundbites of someone in the news ready for them to quote in a story later that day.

One thing most people who buy a digital voice recorder have in common is the need to listen to the audio while typing up notes or a verbatum account of the audio. For those who are not in the know, this usually involves playing the audio back through Windows Media Player or QuickTime flicking quickly to Word to type a few words then flicking back to the audio player to stop and rewind so you can hear the last sentence or two again. This in itself will very quickly become tedious and a truely painful experience.

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The Easy Way To Record Phone Conversations On Any Telephone

Have you ever finished a phone call and thought gee I wish I could have recorded that conversation? Maybe you are a journalist and regularly interview people by phone or you have regular business meetings by phone? The TP-7 telephone pickup mic from Olympus is a microphone that can be used with any Olympus digital … read more

Help! My Transcriptionist Can’t Play The Audio From My Olympus DS-5000

The Olympus DS-5000 records by default in DSS Pro .ds2 format, this can be changed to standard DSS .dss format by switch to Classic Mode, heres how.