MacSpeech Scribe – Transcription From Digital Audio Files For Mac

At the recent MacWorld 2010 Expo in San Francisco, the place for companies developing technologies for the Apple Mac and iPhone to show off their ideas, MacSpeech announced the launch of their new software product MacSpeech Scribe. MacSpeech Scribe will do what alot of existing MacSpeech Dictate customers have been asking for, transcribe from a … read more

MacSpeech Dictate Announce Medical Version

At 1am on Friday 19th June, 2009 Sydney time I set my alarm clock for an announcement coming out of the MacSpeech tower of power in the USA. I heard through twitter (@macspeech) that an announcement was coming and so close to the release of version 1.5 it could only be something else new, I was hanging in there for digital voice recorder support but alas it was something bigger, the MacSpeech Dictate Medical version. Official MacSpeech Press Release

MacSpeech Dictate Medical Version

Based on the very new 1.5 version (so the latest greatest Dragon voice recognition engine from Nuance), MacSpeech Dictate Medical version will be available as a stand alone product or if you have MacSpeech Dictate already a reduced price cross grade will be available. We have no info on avialability or pricing for Australia as yet, as soon as we do we will post.

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MacSpeech Today Announce Dictate Upgrade v1.5 – Paid Upgrade For Some In Australia

So there I was, on my early morning commute down to Sydney on the train, checking my email in between games of FlightControl when BAM! this graphic jumped out at me from an email:

MacSpeech Dictate Upgrade to Version 1.5 Announced
MacSpeech Dictate Upgrade to Version 1.5 Announced

Being a reseller for MacSpeech Dictate since its release back in February 2008 I thought I might have, you know, been told it was coming. So as a reseller and user of MacSpeech Dictate I was just a little surprised. MacSpeech Dictate is the worlds leading voice recognition software for Mac OS X. Launched at MacWorld in 2008 it won Best In Show that year.

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