Which Olympus Digital Dictaphone Should I Choose?

Which Olympus Digital Dictation Solution is best for me. Compare Olympus DS-2600 vs DS-9000 vs DS-9500 vs Olympus Dictation App

The current line up of Olympus Australia digital dictaphones is comprised of three physical dictaphones, four physical combinations and a smartphone app for iPhone and Android. Picking the best solution for you really depends on a few factors; are you upgrading from an older dictaphone? are you new to dictation? do you only use a … read more

Best Transcription Software for Windows – Philips or Olympus?

OM System Olympus ODMS vs Philips SpeechExec Pro Transcribe - which transcription software is best on Windows

## Updated July 2024 ## What has changed since the post was originally published in 2020? Here is the list: Olympus is now called OM System ODMS R7 from Olympus has been superseded by ODMS R8 from OM System ODMS now stands for OM System Dictation Management System Olympus ODDS (cloud based dictation workflow solution … read more

Olympus ODMS R7 Not Supported On Windows 7 Post 14th January 2020

Olympus ODMS R7 Support on Windows 7 PCs Ends 14 January 2020

Olympus ODMS R7 No Longer Supported On Windows 7 After January 14, 2020 We have all long known that Microsoft would pull the plug on the support of their older yet still popular Windows 7 operating system mid-January 2020. Well, Olympus is doing the same for their ODMS R7 Dictation & Transcription Module software. With … read more

Olympus Release Minor Bug Fix Patch – ODMS R7.2 Patch 0005

Olympus have released patch 0005 for their ODMS R7.2 Windows software. The patch addresses two issues: Fixed the issue where the PC may fail to recognize DVRs when connecting the device Fixed the issue where audio files could not be exported from the ODMS File> Export menu Always download the patch zip file (R720Patch0005.zip) from … read more

Dictate New Zealand Opens Its Online Doors

Dictate New Zealand - Olympus Dictation Transcription ODDS ODMS R7 Software Licence NZ

Dictate Australia has just launched an online presence in New Zealand for Olympus digital dictation and transcription equipment and software with their new store Dictate New Zealand – dictates.nz The new store comes after both an increase in online traffic and LiveChat sessions with people based in New Zealand looking for the latest Olympus digital … read more

Olympus Dictation with Dragon Speech Recognition – A Lawyers Use Case

Legal firm using Olympus dictation and Dragon legal

Olympus with their Windows Dictation and Transcription software have always had a close synergy with voice recognition technology, specifically Nuance’s Dragon for Windows. The Olympus ODMS (Olympus Dictation Management System) software that comes with both the professional digital dictaphones (DS-9000 and DS-9500) and in the pro transcription typing kit (AS-9000) both have integration with Dragon … read more

Olympus Dictation & Transcription Software Updates [Mac] [Windows]

Olympus Dictation Transcription Software for macOS and Windows 10

Olympus has this month released a couple of updates to both their macOS (DSS Player Plus v7) and Windows (ODMS R7) Dictation & Transcription Software. These are only minor updates with no new functionality released just bug fixes. With these updates brings the latest version of Olympus professional audio software to: MacOS – DSS Player … read more