Olympus DS-9500 Firmware Update – v1.16
March 2021, Olympus has released a free firmware update for the Olympus DS-9500 wifi enabled digital dictaphone. Firmware version v1.160 can be downloaded from:
Sorry macOS users, no firmware update tool provided for your DS-9500 by Olympus this time. You will need to find a friend with Windows to flash your device.

The Olympus DS9500 firmware update only includes some bug fixes, no new features added.
- Fixed the issue that the slide switch operation does not respond when returning from sleep.
- Fixed the issue that the device reboots during recording or playback after the battery has been inserted.
- Fixed the issue that the device freezes during recording or playback.
Of note is the last item on the fix list. Issues with the dictaphone hanging during recording have been reported by some of our customers with battery removal and replacement the only way to fix and being quite painful when you are mid dictation, this firmware update will fix that.
Click here for older Olympus DS-9500 firmware updates