Olympus DS-9500 Firmware Update v1.140

Olympus DS 9500 Latest Firmware Update

We have seen a flurry of new firmware updates of late from Olympus. This is good news, why? Because it shows that Olympus Japan is actively listening to the feedback from customers and applying fixes and updates to continuously improve this amazing little wi-fi enabled professional digital dictaphone. The firmware update can be applied in … read more

Olympus DS-9500 Firmware Update v1.132

Olympus DS-9500 Firmware Update v1.32

Olympus DS-9500 firmware v1.132 January 2020: Olympus has issued a firmware update for their Olympus DS-9500 professional digital dictaphone. It is recommended to upgrade your DS9500 to the latest firmware as this release v1.132 contains both bug fixes and updates. Your Olympus DS 9500 can be upgraded from either a Windows PC or a Mac … read more