##UPDATE April 2017## A newer patch has been released for ODMS R6, Patch 0016 .. click this link for details dictat.es/Patch0016
Olympus recently released a patch for their ODMS (Olympus Dictation Management System) software for Microsoft Windows which added support for Microsoft Office 2016 and also fixed a couple of minor issues with Office 365 compatibility. The patch applies to both Dictation and Transcription Modules.
The Olympus ODMS software is supplied as Dictation Module with the Professional digital dictation dictaphones DS-7000 and DS-3500.
The Olympus ODMS software is supplied as Transcription Module with the Professional digital transcription kit AS-7000.
Before Patch0009, the Email/FTP option settings in ODMS did not allow users to check the box next to Outlook to add their email profile when Office 2016 was in use; this new patch file resolves this issue.
For users of Office 365, there were similar issues in that the user was unable to select the Outlook option when adding their email profile. ODMS R6.4.0 Patch0009 does resolve this issue, however, due to the nature of data replication with this cloud based service, there are still some limitations:
1. When the user is downloading files to a local folder that is synchronised with a folder in the cloud (One Drive), they are unable to view the files initially. The files are actually downloaded to the folder successfully, and if ODMS is restarted they are shown correctly.
2. Additionally, users may have issues in seeing sent emails in the ‘Sent Items’ section, although they have been sent and can be seen as received in the ‘Inbox’.
These two issues can be avoided when the user’s mailbox is located locally on the user’s computer after login. So if the users are hosting their mailbox and files in the cloud, and not replicating them locally these issues will still occur.
If you use the Olympus ODMS on Windows you should ensure that you are always on the latest version and patch level for your software. At the time of writing the current version of ODMS is R6.4.0 – if you are on a lower R6 version please update, it is free. You can get the latest update from here: dictat.es/r6
What is a patch? A patch is a small update piece of code which allows companies to rapidly push out updates without the need for a formal update.
How do I get the patch? The patch is freely available for download from Olympus and its affiliates, click here to download the Olympus ODMS Patch0009
How do I install the patch? Simply download the Patch file from the link above, it is a zip file. Uncompress the zip file, it contains a single application called R640Patch0009 which you can just double-click to run. The patch will install in only a few seconds.

You can confirm that the patch has been applied to your Olympus ODMS software by selecting Help then About in either the Dictation or Transcription Module:

What does the patch fix? With each patch, like any minor/major version release, comes release notes. The release notes for all patches (1 through 9) currently available for ODMS Release 6 are:
– Patch 0009
This patch adds support for Microsoft Office 2016 and includes the previous patches
– Patch 0008
1. Fixes an issue that recording and playback did not work correctly when mismatching microphone/speaker are detected in the virtual environment (XenApp7.6).
2. Fixes an issue that the unexpected error message displayed when DNS saves the result of adaptation in Acoustic Adaptation.
– Patch 0007
1. Fixes an issue that device recognition was very slow in the virtual environment (Citrix and Terminal services)
– Patch 0006
1. Fixes an issue that dictation files did not move from Inbox to the Adaptation data folder.
– Patch 0005
1. Fixes an issue that user profiles were broken when upgrading from R6.xx to R6.xx.
2. Adds the process not to scan the specified Outlook folders because DM/TM can not read them, otherwise unexpected errors occur.
3. Fixes an issue that DM/TM changed an e-mail status as “already read” incorrectly in IMAP connection.
– Patch 0004
1. Fixes an issue that exception errors occured in Adaptation Data.
– Patch 0003
1. Fixes an issue that playback did not work in Text Collection Window for some cases in virtual environments.
– Patch 0002
1. Adds the process to switch to an alternate API in case e-mail sending is not successful from Notes.
– Patch 0001
1. Fixes an issued that e-mail sending/receiving did not work in Outlook 2013.