With the successful worldwide release of Apple’s latest Mac operating system OS X 10.9 Mavericks a couple of weeks ago, if you are like me you would have installed it straightaway. If you had, when you ran Dragon Dictate you would have been met with this splash screen:

Clicking on the “More Info” tab takes you to the Nuance OS X Dragon for Mac compatibility page. The reason for the splash was at the time of the OS X Mavericks release Dragon Dictate 3 was not yet certified as compatible. A couple of days ago (30th October, 2013) Nuance released update 3.04 the update you will need for 10.9 Mavericks compatibility.
Click here for the official Nuance Dragon Dictate 3.04 Update webpage
As you will see from the Nuance page there are two ways to get the update. 1. Check for updates from Dragon Dictate itself, tricky if you are on Mavericks already and pre 3.04 or 2. Download a small zip file (28Mb) (click here to download Dragon_Dictate_12724.zip).
Note: The zip file contains the Dragon Dictate app, you will need to drag this to your Applications folder and overwrite the existing app.
As I had already updated to Mavericks before the 3.04 release I went with option 2, downloaded the file from the FTP site and updated my Dragon Dictate to 3.04 without any dramas. The official release notes for Dragon Dictate 3.04 are:
The Dragon Dictate 3.0.4 update incorporates the following changes:
- Resolves issues with Dragon Dictate running under OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
- Awareness of the new “Enhanced Dictation” in Mavericks.
- Allows Users to use either Dragon Dictate or the built-in “Enhanced Dictation” without conflicts for microphone control.
- Resolves issues with Word 2011 running under OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
- Full Text Control intermittently becomes non-functional.
- Word document application windows are no longer recognized.
- Resolves issues with Word 2011 documents that include a Table of Contents.