MacSpeech Announce MacSpeech Dictate Legal

Oooh they have done it again those sneaky Americans, I woke up this morning to an inbox full of overnight alerts on a new product annoucement from MacSpeech, this time MacSpeech Dictate Legal version. Official MacSpeech Dictate Legal press release.

MacSpeech Dictate Legal Version Announced

Just a week or so since the launch of MacSpeech Dictate Medical, the legal version comes packed with a dictionary full of legal jargon, 30,000 legal words and terms, the kind of chit chat lawyers use every day and the kind of words their typists struggle with, unless of course they outsource their legal transcription to our sister company The Transcription People (shameless plug, sorry).

MacSpeech Dictate Legal is built on the very latest Dragon speech recognition software from the people at Nuance, in fact from what I understand the recognition engine in MacSpeech Dictate version 1.5 is more advanced than that currently in use by the Windows folk running Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.1, so state of the art voice recognition combined with a comprehensive legal dictionary.

As always, no news yet of Australian packages or pricing as the US announcement is just a few hours old. However, in the US the price of MacSpeech Dictate Legal is the same as MacSpeech Dictate Medical so it would be fair to assume the same packages and same pricing as Medical (Australian MacSpeech Dictate Medical pricing and packages). As soon as we receive confirmation from the Australian distributor on price and availability I will post.

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